Sunday, August 5, 2007

church day

okay so today when i was singing in wildside with christine, kayla,and alice and chase,flotch,virus,and jessie and were just coming out of the green room and the camera guy was like hey lets take a pic and so we did in front of the high school place. Then in the same day me and chase became famouse!!!we were asked to be in the teaching video for 3,4,5,6 i was a nurse with this ugly dress and chase was a pilot it was super fin you wish you had our ninja skills and tie die shirts because look where i got us.....WE ARE FAMOUS!!!!!
oh yeah and there was tyler and this random guy in the picture.....


kayla rae said...

Oh, I hope that picture is in the bulletin, it's so fun!

jessie estupinan said...

I hope you guys make it! Christine and i were talking and we agreed that Jen looks so stinking cute. (: